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A Comparison of Gas Prices Across Five States

A Comparison of Gas Prices Across Five States

The price of gas keeps rising, and people are unsure about how to deal with it. Gas is an essential commodity in the country, and some of the states that always have high prices are California, Washington, Alaska, Michigan, Utah, Connecticut, Hawaii, and Oregon. In these states, the gas price almost always hovers around $3.50 per gallon, give or take 10 cents.
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5 Essential Digital Photography Tips for Beginners

5 Essential Digital Photography Tips for Beginners

A great photograph is a work of art. With the advent of digital photography, clicking and developing photos has become simple and easy. However, if you have just got your hands on a brand new DSLR, photography could seem like a daunting task. Don’t worry. Here are five essential digital photography tips to get you started.
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Benefits of using folding mobility scooters

Benefits of using folding mobility scooters

Two wheelers have come a long distance and practically any living person on the planet would have taken a ride at least once in his/her lifetime. They are getting advanced with each passing years and while one segment of two-wheelers has catered to the growing demand of power hungry consumers, the other segment has considered two wheelers as one of the safest and simplest means of transportation.
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Explore your roots – Genealogy

Explore your roots – Genealogy

There may be lots of reasons that may inspire people to trace their family history, but for most amateurs, learning about family history presents them with the unique opportunity to know who they are and where they came from. Genealogy is the study of family history, tracing one’s lineage through oral interviews, historical records, and genetic analysis.
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The truth about DNA ancestry tests

The truth about DNA ancestry tests

All of us have heard about genealogy tracking, but do you think we can really track our historical ancestors with these tests? The answer is no. Everyone around the world is in a craze to know from which historical figure they have ascended. Using this craze, many companies are doing big business with genealogy tracking by promising their customers that they will perform a DNA ancestry test, which will cost around $300.
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5 ways to trace your genealogy

5 ways to trace your genealogy

Did you know that the popular British actor Benedict Cumberbatch is distantly related to the author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle? The interesting part is that Cumberbatch played the protagonist in the BBC series Sherlock that was based on the Doyle famous character Sherlock Holmes. It is quite interesting how genealogy works, isn’t?
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