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Balanced diet for a healthy heart

Balanced diet for a healthy heart

Our overall health highly depends on our food habits and lifestyle. We can keep our heart healthy by eating nutritious food and maintaining a balanced diet with regular physical activities. A balanced heart healthy diets include the proper proportion of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, and water. Some heart healthy balanced diet includes following foods:
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Things you should know about probiotic yogurt

Things you should know about probiotic yogurt

Probiotics are nothing but a form of living bacteria that is present inside your intestinal tract. These living bacterias must be included in the diet to maintain a healthy gut. Somehow, probiotics available inside the body works differently than it usually works in making the yogurt. Probiotic yogurt is prepared using a fermentation process where starter cultures are used to modify the taste.
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High fiber fruits in your diet plan

High fiber fruits in your diet plan

A high fiber diet is very much essential for good health. Fresh fruits are a direct source of various essential nutrients, and since they are one of the best high fiber foods, they can be considered as one of the best sources of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. Fiber rich fruits are responsible for managing weight, lowering cholesterol, proper work digestive system, reducing the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart diseases.
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Adding high fiber vegetables to your diet

Adding high fiber vegetables to your diet

Dietary fiber is an indigestible portion of a plant based food. These fibers are of two types – soluble and insoluble; both are equally beneficial for our health. Soluble fibers dissolve in water, but insoluble fibers do not dissolve in water, both are indigestible carbohydrates, those do not break down into digestible sugar particles.
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How to cut down cost on your hearing aids

How to cut down cost on your hearing aids

Disabling hearing loss is the third most common chronic condition that has targeted a large section of the American population today. Nearly 2% American adults aged 45-54, 8.5% aged 55-64 and around 25% aged 65-74 have hearing disability problem. But before you purchase a hearing aid it is necessary to check out the pricing of hearing aids and pick the one that .suits your needs and budget.
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Common causes of skin rash

Common causes of skin rash

There are innumerable causes of skin rashes. Zeroing in on one will be difficult. However, you can refer to skin rash photos to understand what exactly caused your skin rash. There are a number of skin rash photos available; you can check online for skin rash pictures and choose your treatment accordingly.
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